Credit historyUncategorized How to Fix Your Credit Score Even If You’ve Made Mistakes in the Past In the journey to financial well-being, understanding your credit score and financial health is paramount. Past financial mistakes shouldn't hinder your future opportunities, and that's…CredPalNovember 3, 2023
Credit cardsUncategorized Build a Credit Score That Will Make Lenders Give You Money Do you know your credit score and your financial health are closely related? "The economy is hard! Items are expensive to purchase." "I now spend…CredPalOctober 13, 2023
investinvestmentMoneyUncategorized Grow your money the smart way by investing with CredPal As a young adult or even an elderly person it is advisable to grow your money by investing. There are so many downsides to not…CredPalApril 7, 2022
EcommerceOnlinestoresphysical storesUncategorized The future of retail: Physical store Vs E-commerce Today’s retail world is changing like never before. The new generation is full of digital shoppers because they have grown up with social media and…CredPalMarch 9, 2022
Uncategorized Introducing CredPal Pay: Now you can offer buy now, pay later to customers with ease. In a developing economy like Nigeria where the minimum wage for Federal workers in Nigeria is 30,000 Naira and 50% of the salary earners in…CredPalNovember 18, 2021